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News for the Heart talks with Tara Greene on 2020

This is the Astrology part of 2020
This is the Tarot Predictions for each sign for 2020

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tara Greene from TaraTarot. We chatted about what is happening astrologically for 2020 and predictions for each sign. We discussed how the Tarot and astrology themes will impact us this year. The main themes are The Emperor as it is a “4” year, and The Fool as 22 (which is a master number) 13 card which is the Death card is a hidden message this year. We discussed the times when all planets are going direct – which begins today Jan 10th to Feb 16th. We have both Venus and Mars going retrograde this year and 6 eclipses – again beginning today we have a lunar eclipse. We will have 2 separate shows this year, 1st discussing the Astrology for 2020 and the 2nd is all about the Tarot and offering a reading for each sign and how 2020 will impact you for this year – with video. We discussed how all of this will impact our New Year! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!