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Amy Cleere 11/05/09 United Healing

Amy Cleere 11/05/09 United Healing

The road to acceptance, understanding and knowledge is different for everybody. I believe we are born connected and our awareness is not something we have to obtain it is however something we need to become aware of. Seeing spirits and hearing messages is not something new for me but I believe it is something that everyone does. True awareness is found once the external has no influence and the internal has no place. It is the presence we seek and the contentment we search for. Were questions are posed but answers are irrelevant.

As of May 2009 there are 6.7 billion beings on this planet. There is only one message but 6.7 billion perspectives. To remain open minded and not grounded in a belief we invite constant change and evolution in terms of our advancement and understandings not only in our reality but to the existence of whom we are and were we are from.

Certain elements that reside within us are the challenge we face while here and one element is our Emotions. Fear is a constant it is design to challenge our being and test our will. Do not run from that which cannot be outrun instead accept, understand and learn to use it for if challenged the reward is far greater which is love and all the feelings that she brings.

Enlightenment is simply our willingness to become aware of knowledge that exists outside of what we believe and know.

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