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News for the Heart: Tracy McBurney: Beautiful Ascension for Solar Eclipse

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney on Beautiful Ascension for the Solar Eclipse. Tracy began this show by discussing how Powerful the April 8th Solar Eclipse was. And how she managed to find a clear sky to observe the 100% total Eclipse.

We discussed the fact that this eclipse mostly impacted where Mars is in your birth chart. The eclipse occurred in Aries and the ruling planet is Mars. If you need to check out your birth chart, has the best free chart drawings. You should know where you were born, and if possible the exact time of your birth. If you don’t you can use midnight or noon. The only thing that may vary is your Ascendant and your moon house.

This Eclipse is very powerful as it has the power to impact our Ascension process. It will impact where Mars and also Aries lies in your birth chart. Over the next 10 days and in the next 6 months (as Eclipses energy stays with us until the next Eclipse.) we can use this energy to let go of the fears within this area and evolve our consciousness.

Tracy likes to share what happens in her World. This month she had the opportunity to examine how our mind consciousness creates defense mechanisms, control mechanisms and protection mechanisms when we have had trauma. This led us to reviewing how Gregg Braden has a fractal pattern calculator for us to look at the first date we took in a pattern that our mind created to defend, control or protect itself, regardless of where the issue came from.

The one thing that seemed to be the most powerful tool is to ask our Authentic Higher Self to just Hold us. It will lead to healing, but sometimes we need to sit in the trigger, for me it was not listening. To observe it, own it (because we like to blame everyone else for our triggers, fear, pain) and then surrender it. By doing this we have the opportunity to take back our control that our mind constructed to protect us.

Lastly, a reminder that if you are feeling out of sorts and worry you are sick, that your immune system may be perfectly fine. The Ascension process has a detoxification effect on our bodies. So BE gentle.

This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

For more about Tracy – Go Here

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on All You Need is LOVE. We began by discussing that the world is still going through growing pains. Bullying and Victimhood is trending. I wanted to address this because of a comment a friend reminded me that Everyone, even the Bully, at their core, wants to be LOVED and LOVE.

Both victim and bully are people who are experiencing a low entropy. They are, just like the seeker, looking for Love and to BE Loved. The spectrum is Fear or Love.

The Problem is that we are still repeating the patterns of our parents and their parents before them. We continue to reinforce the pattern with our own children. We are overwhelmed, tired, self-centered and doing the best we can do, in a world that is full of fear.

Our parents didn’t intend to repeat and lay their fears onto us. However, change has to begin with how we raise our children. Yet, to Lead by Example is the most successful way to achieve Healing the World.

We can’t change anyone else. We must be conscious of our fears. It is time that we see our responsibility. Examine our definitions that we believed about Love. The Behaviors that We Learned. Examine the beliefs we continue to hold due to our experiences. The Stories we tell ourselves, that We aren’t Loveable.

Our time is coming where we refuse to look at the symptoms of our fears. The problem isn’t in the symptoms but in the core fears we hold. We have low quality entropy where love has become need not Love. Time to look at our Capacity to Love. The more fear we hold, the less capacity we have to Love.

All We Need is Love. A brilliant song written in 1967 and more relevant now then in the time of Free Love. We are leading with our Heart and choosing to Grow Up. Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More on Tom…

News for the Heart talks with Lori Wilson, WOW a Million FREE. This is a Celebration of her 25000th student to her Intuition Classes.

This year they celebrate an amazing foundation of 25,000 students and are really amping  up their efforts to make this world a better place. Grandmother, Founder Lori Wilson’s Spirit Guide calls 2024 ‘The Year Where Peace Reigns’. 

Lori’s Guides have instructed her to offer 1 Million students their signature On-Line class, Access Intuition 101 (25-hours), at no cost in this monumental year of change. To show their commitment to peace. They believe that 1M people in this world who trust their intuition, trust themselves first, know how to connect with more, and can discern truth will make the world a better place. This $249 gift of their most popular class will teach you all about intuition. As well as how to access 8 unique sources of higher wisdom for support, guidance and perspective.  Start today with this awesome gift and make your world — and our world, a better place by trusting your intuition.

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS: Be sure to copy and paste this amazing invitation and invite everyone who may wish to deepen their intuition and connection with ever so much more.
Click here to enroll in Access Intuition 101 at no cost today! 

This is an amazing offer to Create a World where Peace Reigns. A tipping Point. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney on Creating the Amazing Life YOU Want. Tracy began this show by sharing a quote that impacted her and her business. “If you don’t make the time to work on creating the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a LOT of time dealing with a life you don’t want.” ― Kevin Ngo, from Let’s Do This! From this quote we discussed that we need to have a ‘future Self Identity’.

Tracy likes to share what happens in her World. This client offered up a HUGE Gift in revealing that while in the womb he sent away his Dream Purpose as his mother was detoxifying from a cigarette dependance. He was also feeling the effects of this toxicity within him as he developed in her womb. Because of this he didn’t want to be born. Because of this he sent out his Dreams somewhere else. He couldn’t BE who he was destined to BE.

We believe that a lot of people send away their Dreams of the Life they Want because of trauma in the womb. Tracy shared her journey with the birth of her son. He was stuck sideways and couldn’t move and no one else could move him. She had to have a cesarean birth. She decided that she had to save her son, even if she had to leave to do it. Tracy wanted him to have his Dreams even if she couldn’t.

If we don’t make time to bring back what we sent away to be returned and realigned, we will be creating a life that is different from our Dreams. We will be stuck in the old way of thinking. We sent our Dream away because it was so sacred. It was sent away to be protected. It was so important that we gave our life’s mission away. And NOW we can BE open to taking it back.

This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

For more about Tracy – Go Here

Feeling The Miracle Of LOVE When Letting Go is quite the journey. Where the answer lies to the question “how does one feel the Miracle of LOVE?”: it is in Letting Go. Many people confuse Letting Go with Giving Up. These are very different energies. We will explore the differences within this Blog.

Let’s begin with my definitions of: Giving Up, Being Overwhelmed, Being Powerless, and Letting Go.

Giving Up:  When I think of Giving Up I think of Shutting Down. I think of people losing Hope and BEcoming Depressed. The definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is ‘to cease doing or attempting something especially as an admission of defeat’. Giving up is similar to sacrificing or abandoning the situation. When we think the only option is to Give Up we lose hope and feel defeated. This doesn’t allow for any positive flow or moving forward. We don’t see any viable options. It makes us de-evolve towards fear. And once we de-evolve to fear we become depressed. Everything seems unbearable.

And once we become depressed it, the positive flow or the sense of moving forward, has nowhere to go but backwards. We get stuck and can’t move forward without some intervention. When it comes to Love, Giving Up has no place. Giving up is all about FEAR.

Being Overwhelmed:  In the current state of our world many of us become overwhelmed. It seems to be almost the natural state of our BEing in a world that appears to not have enough hours in the day. Giving up often leads to BEcoming depressed and once this occurs we become overwhelmed. There seems to be no way out, no way forward. Sometimes it happens the other way around. What is the egg or the chicken? It is to feel completely overcome or overpowered by thought or feeling.

In our current day to day lives we are often in our heads – with a torrent of thoughts that are catastrophic. We can’t seem to stop seeing the absolute worst outcome. If we are ‘feeling’ people we can be overwhelmed by feelings, whether our own or others. However, we often shut down feelings by distracting ourselves. This isn’t as easy with our thoughts – unless we can master meditation. Our minds are busy places. We try too hard to be ‘super-moms’ or ‘super-dads’ and do it all. Child-rearing, cooking, laundry, working … this list of possible (and distracting) activities is long. When do we have time for ourselves?

Being Powerless: This is the ‘victim’ mentality that is so prevalent in our society today. We encourage support groups that not only do NOT support one another but also enable us to feel victimized. When we feel we are a victim, we often react out of fear and in hopes to control the world we live in.

Powerlessness is the word that has come to establish an anchor of pain. We often try to control it – until we realize that we have no power to control anything. When we react from a place of pain or fear, we begin to fall victim to the world around us. We see everyone and everything as a force against us. No one understands us, no one loves us, and no one will help us. We dive into catastrophic beliefs where there is nothing – or no one – that can BE with us or support us. The world is bleak and full of pain.

When we are a victim we see everyone else – and everything else – as the aggressor or victor over us. Powerlessness makes us full of fear and pain. We become aggressive and can’t see the LOVE around us.

Letting Go: Letting Go is to relax or release one’s hold on what is blocking us. This is mostly about our fears.

To me, Letting GO is so much more. Letting Go is a form of LOVE. Letting Go suggests we forgive (not necessarily forget) and free our Soul from the fears that keep us stagnant.

From the definitions of all the fear above we can see the spiraling pattern that keeps us from achieving – and even Dreaming of – a better outcome. It holds us in a pattern of hopelessness and victim mentality. Fear blocks our Dreams from happening. We may be able to imagine a better world, imagine LOVE and JOY – even temporarily while under the crushing nature of ‘Fear’. However, when we are Giving Up, lost in Overwhelm and feeling Powerless we can’t hold the vibration of LOVE long enough to ascend and Grow Up.

Letting Go is powerful. It recognizes that we have the ability to respond to our world from a place of mindfulness and clarity. Letting go is intentional. It is acknowledging our responsibility to Accept that things happen. And to accept that we aren’t in control. We can, however, be in Charge of how we show up in the World. We can choose how we want to accept, respond, and choose our Intentions – instead of holding onto our fears. Letting Go awards us the opportunity to BE authentically who we are without fears. Without fears we have the choice to choose LOVE.

Have you ever felt the energy of Giving Up, Overwhelm and Powerlessness? Now imagine taking a deep breath and surrendering all your fears to the Universe, God, Goddess, or even Mother Earth! To know that there is a higher power that can transmute our fears is both empowering and Awe-inspiring. Our fears don’t actually serve us. Not only that but fears hold us in patterns, trigger our pain, and stop us from BEing all that we can BE. Fears hurt others, hurt ourselves and block us from feeling the LOVE that surrounds us.

Fear stops us from all the Dreams we have ever imagined. Sure, we can create and manifest some dreams. There are a lot of examples of manifesting when we don’t have a strong attachment to them. Sometimes there are areas in our lives where we have full confidence in our strengths. However, if there is something we desperately want? The ‘desperation’ suggests we have an attachment to it. Desperation triggers the fears within.

Letting Go of ‘attachments’ is difficult – unless we identify the fears related to those attachments and overcome the reaction these fears might hold on us.

We are here, at this time, because we have fears. We chose to evolve our core fears and this is why they can be so sticky. Our Evolution requires us to Grow Up – and it is the essence of why we are here. It is our Purpose for BEing here at this time: to Grow Up.

The World is full of triggers and reactions. In fact, the media plays on our fears by creating sensationalism. Sensationalism makes people feel. We can observe all the drama and it creates more fear and makes us continue to watch. It creates the numbers so that News stations can get commercials and, thereby, funding. News is more about money from advertising revenue than about what is called “news”.

If we don’t want to fall under the guise of created fear through propaganda then we need to BE Empowered enough to STOP watching the news, news feeds, Social Media, and all forms of ‘Entertainment’. I am not saying that you should close down your Social Media accounts, nor am I saying all Entertainment is fear based. Use your discretion. Just don’t get caught up spiraling down the Rabbit Hole by scrolling for trolls or worst: encouraging or discouraging them. People with fear often have more hyper Egos. Giving either negative or positive energy to those who troll feeds to make themselves look better just adds to the problems of our current state of the world.

Find a way to LET GO. Accept that we are all flawed Beings looking for LOVE. BE Mindful of what energy you are giving off. If this energy is anything other than LOVE then BE Conscious that you are holding fear. BE Conscious that we all came here to Evolve towards LOVE. We don’t have to KNOW why we have these fears, that, in itself, can distract us from Letting them Go. Accept where you are. Empower yourself by shifting your attention onto your fears with the intention to surrender them.

Focus on LOVE. Share, Encourage, and Foster LOVE from within you and outside of you. Don’t worry about what fears are holding you from attaining your Dreams. Just BE aware of them and then choose a different expression of LOVE unfolding. LOVE IS. There are many things LOVE isn’t. And all of us know what LOVE feels like. If you are having a problem remembering: go to a playground and hear the children’s laughter. Or open your Hearts to the Unconditional LOVE of a pet. Play music. Meditate. Take a walk in nature. BE!

We are all here Growing and Evolving towards LOVE. SHARE Positive Energy. BE Kind and Compassionate with others. Encourage others. Change occurs one person at a time. Start with YOU! Happy Spring ❤️

If you would like more information to expand deeper into Letting GO, Tom Campbell and I did our montly show on From Giving Up to BEing Powerful.

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on From Giving Up to BEing Powerful. We began by discussing the difference between Letting Go and Giving Up, and from Powerless and Overwhelmed.

The danger of Giving Up is that it leads to depression. This is a difficult energy to emerge from as it feels so overwhelming and you feel powerless to make changes.

Depression is all consuming and it prohibits us from Growing Up. We are to learn to Let GO. If we feel depressed and overwhelmed we are stuck and not moving forward.

We all need to feel a purpose that we can fulfill. Tom offered many examples that are relevant to what we feel overwhelmed about in relationships. Like picking up after ourselves, doing the dishes, as these are relatable references for where we are in our consciousness and our growth. If we hold onto specifics in our relationships, whether at home or at work, we are feeling powerless or overwhelmed.

Once we can truly accept where we are and make efforts to fix ourselves instead of another, we are on the journey to Grow Up. However, if we just act like we are doing the dishes or picking up after someone and still hold anger, then we aren’t truly letting go.

The most important part of this is that we all work on ourselves to Let Go of our fears. If we have no fears, then everything else that happens doesn’t impact our well-being. We are leading with our Heart and choosing to Grow Up. Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More on Tom…

Laurie Huston from News of the Heart talks with Tracy McBurney on the Exciting Learning Button to JOY! Tracy began this discussion with something she learned about how we all have a Learning Button.

She shared she discovered this while with her brother who were both helping her mom with her garage door. Tracy felt it was the battery, and her brother went through a whole process re-formatting the garage system with pressing buttons and saying to himself ‘learn’.

This prompted an ‘aha’ moment about how we all have a Learning Button. We aren’t consciously aware of this Learning Button. However, we can take advantage now that we have conscious understanding.

We can make a request to our Self, Universe or whomever you want to invoke our Learning Button in whatever area we require. Tracy discussed how if we only knew during school, we could have understood our classes better.

We then moved to what I was having challenges with that activating my Learning Button might help with. For me it is my challenge with trusting my own intuition when I have something happening that is important to me. My example was about my health. After discovering I had H Pylori, I tried to use intuition to figure out what I needed to treat it. What we discovered was because it was in my small intestines, it is related to JOY.

This was a wonderful healing experience. Full of information to assist you to work towards Whole Health.

Another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

For more about Tracy – Go Here

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Opportunities for Loving Communication. This is Love Month at Intuitive Soul and Tom and I gave another Incredible discussion on LOVE.

This year we opened up about how difficult Communication is in Relationships. All Relationships! The reason being that it is through relationships that we grow. No relationship is 100% easy all the time. In fact the more deep the relationship the more difficult it is to discuss our feelings due to fear.

In LOVE we feel vulnerable, our definition of vulnerability is a fear. (Personally, I believe to BE Vulnerable is a strength as I have a different definition.) People don’t want to argue or have someone else tell them they are wrong or need fixing.

The strategy for most people is to deal with fear, If I don’t play the game, I can’t lose. Where in reality is if they don’t play they will always lose.

Unfortunately, most people are self-centered. Therefore the truth means they are wrong, and need to change. No one wants to hear this. So they go about their relationships distracting themselves and that eventually creates very poor communication. Also, the way men relate to others is different from how women relate. Men are not taught to deal with their emotions like women.

The answer lies in Compassion and Acceptance. We all want to BE heard and understood. Find your way to offer Loving Communication through Compassion, Caring and Acceptance. Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More on Tom…

What is the Beauty to BE Love? Every year February is LOVE Month at Intuitive Soul. The theme of Love Month 2024 is to BE Love. The Beauty is that Love is what we all strive for. February typically depicts romantic love. And we all want to BE Loved. So let’s look at where we might go wrong.

Last year Tom Campbell and I discussed LOVE on several important shows: Just BE LOVE; one of my favorites What is LOVE?; and The Simplicity of LOVE. However, if you search for Love on my site you will find over 300 shows and Blogs on the topic. It is THE most important topic as it is crucial to our Spiritual Growth and Happiness.

To BE Love we need to examine our Definitions of Love – especially since Love is Messy with all our wants, expectations, and sense of deservingness. We also need to review our wanting to Control or BEing in Charge of Love. And while we are unpacking the realm of LOVE we should Examine our Choices about Love – always It is about choices. And lastly we should also look at our LOVE relationships – and these relationships, as they build, are really about us Growing Up.

Definitions of LOVE: We all have different definitions for Love. For some people our definition of Love comes from fairy tales, like the knight in shining armor who brings love into the damsel’s world. If that is how we define or look at love then we are often looking for someone to ‘rescue’ us, to bring love into our lives. Others see Love as a way to be showered with gifts or see it as a financial exchange. Some of us want to be exclaiming our Love through our words or by our actions.

We all have different definitions and expectations around what Love looks like and what Love should show up like. We all have different definitions based on our experience, what we have seen in other’s lives, and, of course, our parent’s relationship. And then there are the relationships we admire and we perceive as perfect. It is these relationships we try to emulate without realizing that what we see in such relationships, is created through a lens that is imperfect and false.

Ultimately, Love is Given: Freely, Unconditionally and without Expectations. But in a world that is filled with fear, manipulation, greed, and the unknown; we have definitions that are imperfect. The problem is that we don’t typically look at our definitions. We just live our lives unconscious of the definitions we have given LOVE and wonder why we feel unloved. It is time we begin to review, understand and BEcome more conscious of our LOVE views.

If we truly want to experience LOVE we need to understand that LOVE, like life, is Messy.

Love is Messy: Like life, Love is Messy. It isn’t just about our wants, desires, worthiness, expectations, or deservingness. If we examine these we will see that all of these are actually about our fears. They have little to do with Love at all. But they do have to do with our definitions, our experiences, our observations, and our parent’s relationships towards love. The sense of lack of love and the fear of not having what we think is love really has to do with what our Egos want in an attempt to create that ‘image’ of Love that we are searching for.

Does it mean that Love – or what we perceive as Love – is wrong? There is no “right” or “wrong” by definition of LOVE. However, often what we perceive as LOVE is NOT Love but rather what we Want. Love isn’t our expectations being met or our hopes and dreams being fulfilled. It isn’t even compromising with another person so that we each get something that we think represents Love. Because once we feel we are compromising then that often suggests that we believe the other person isn’t as compromising as we are and, rather, we are doing all – or most of – the compromising.

When love is conditional, in our perception of LOVE, when it is filled with our wants, our desires, our dreams, our expectations, or on whether we are worthy or they are worthy or whether we or they are deserving of LOVE … then we are caught up in FEAR. This isn’t LOVE. This is our Imagination about LOVE BEing filled by someone else.

Often we will find that if we search for LOVE – from another person – it is because we don’t LOVE ourselves and that we have Fear surrounding what we believe is LOVE. Often that fear is based on our thinking or feeling that we are Unlovable.

The media showers us with depictions of LOVE. Watch any Hallmark movie and you will see people falling in love and there are specific markers within each story to show the love in these stories. Most romance movies show falling in love, and almost never show healthy relationships beyond that point. They show fights, making up, lots of twists that usually have a break-up and then a make-up. But since long term love is not usually as exciting as falling in love, it isn’t shown. The only exception is the romance movie that depicts divorce as the theme.

Life is Messy and LOVE isn’t easy. The books, movies, and relationship advice that recommend that if it isn’t easy – then it isn’t meant to BE – these are doing a major disservice to LOVE. It is time we understood that fears and LOVE don’t help create LOVE. They just create more fear. The set idea of what people think that Love should be, what it should look like, and how we should feel … these are just our wants and, therefore, our fears.

We have been convinced that we can Control LOVE by fixing, changing, and healing the other person. Yeah, sorry, that isn’t possible and that isn’t LOVE. We are blaming someone else for our unhappiness because, if they need fixing and such then they aren’t able to give us the love we want. Oh, how we want to be in control!

Control vs BEing in Charge: I talk a lot about how we have no control. In actuality, we have NO control over anything in our lives. Imagine our belief that we can control another person, when in reality they aren’t even in control of themselves. Our reactions are often based on fears and such reactions are an automatic response. However, what we can be is in Charge of is our next response and we can choose how we respond to the perceptions we hold. I like the wording of BEing in Charge so we don’t confuse ourselves that we can control … anything.

Let me try to explain. Our reactions are based on our experiences and our beliefs. However, these reactions to our experiences and beliefs have been already established by the age of seven. As explained many times, these beliefs have created neuropathways in our brains causing us to react a certain way. As a seven year old, we are NOT physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually evolved or mature enough to make rational thoughts and decisions.

Yet, we are not conscious of these reactions or why we react the way we do, because they are so ingrained within our brains they are unconscious. We often react from fear because we didn’t understand the decision we made – or the ramifications of such decisions. This is why our first reaction to something often has an emotional component to it … like anger, frustration, or a fearful exchange.

However, that doesn’t mean that we have to continue to choose our first response. We do not have to hold on to the reaction style that we developed prior to the age of seven. Instead let us try to be in Charge of our next response, after the ingrained first reaction. We can observe our first reaction, the one coming from the programming of the seven year old brain, and decide how we would rather respond.

Do we want to continue to react like a child, especially around LOVE and its many messy ways? Or do we want to choose to respond in a LOVING way? A more grown up way. Do we want to continue to hold fear or Let Go, Surrender and choose from within how to BE? I choose LOVE and to respond in a LOVING way. It is about choices.

It is about choices: What choices are you making? We make choices multiple times an hour, every day. As discussed above we typically have no control over our initial reaction but we can be in charge of our next response. We can be in charge of how we shift our reaction of fear to one of LOVE. This is a choice.

As our theme is about the Beauty to BE Love, we are required to examine how we are BEing LOVE. What choices we are making when we are sharing LOVE. Are we blaming the other person for everything that is going wrong? Can we taking responsibility for our fears? Do we want to Fix, Heal or Change the other person? Are we accepting the relationship as it is or are we wanting to change it?

Every time we make a choice it either comes from a place of fear or love. If we feel uncomfortable and unhappy – then we are making a choice from fear. No matter what, if we feel uncomfortable, angry or unhappy – then it is a reaction from fear that is fueling us. The first reaction may be unconscious, but if we always take stock of our feelings then we will BEcome aware when we are reacting from fear. And we have the opportunity to choose again.

Sometimes examining our choices is uncomfortable. It feels uncomfortable because we are responsible for our choices when we react from fear. LOVE doesn’t come from fear. LOVE is! It doesn’t have restrictions or expectations; it just IS. Whenever we feel the need to change someone – or even ourself – then we are coming from a place of fear.

It is time to leave the fear behind – the best we can – and Evolve our Consciousness and Grow UP …

Growing up: Growing Up is taking responsibility and accepting who we are as we are. Acceptance comes first before we can shift and Let Go. Letting go and surrendering our fears is extremely Powerful and Beautiful. However, it is work! Growing Up is a Journey and not a destination. It takes time. It takes having compassion for ourselves and for others. LOVE is Growing Up. Our LOVE has no boundaries and no fears. LOVE is quite simply LOVE!

LOVE is Giving! Real LOVE isn’t about asking for affection or asking for ‘things’ to make one’s life better. If you are wanting LOVE to make your life better then you are looking for a relationship to express fear. It is NOT LOVE.

It is time to Discover the Beauty to BE LOVE. This Journey is messy and beautiful. It can free you to Let Go of the definitions you have created in your mind and Ego that you thought were Love. All the depictions that Media, fairy tales and society have brainwashed us to Believe is Love – are often just our fears being shown.

We need to move beyond the definitions we placed on Love. Our assumptions about what Love is can shift towards real LOVE by surrendering our Ego’s fear to what we perceived is Love to what is actually true. Let’s move beyond fear to the Freedom of LOVE. We can let Go of the need to control our relationships. Let’s make Choices based on LOVE. And may we Choose to Evolve our Consciousness and Grow towards LOVE! Let’s embrace LOVE in all its messy forms!

Happy Love Month! ❤️

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Lori Wilson on her New Year Message 2024 with Grandmother. The message is Reigning Peace.

Lori shared who Grandmother is, an entity she knew that she now channels. She discussed the Message Reigning Peace is about the Silent Child, the Orphaned Child and how to align our child to ‘Reign Peace’ in our lives.

We then showed the differences between her major work, channeling, Medical Intuition and Business Intuition. I offered to be the guinea pig, which was a Blessing for me. Beginning with a Channeled message from Grandmother about where my career is going. Grandmother suggested that I have been trying to create Community and this year it may happen in a BIG way.

We then went to my body for Medical Intuition and although I asked about my hormones, the first place we went was my digestion and then my hormones.

Lastly, we went to Business Intuition and I asked about the group of 7 MBA students that are beginning for a semester next week. She said 2 of the 7 will understand me and what I want and the rest will do research. If you ever want to know the differences between how we Intuit information, this is an excellent show.

Happy New Year 2024, may Peace Reign in our lives. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

To listen to Grandmother’s 2 hour New Years Message…  FOCUS 2024: ‘The Year Where Peace Reigns’ and to get this for free please use Coupon Code: LHvip24

Browse Lori Wilsons’ Website:

To view all the On-Line Intuition-based classes

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney about Beautiful Emotional Eating. 2024 is a New Year and we began this year with a show on Emotional Eating through an older book from Doreen Virtue in 1995.

The book was called Constant Craving. A book Tracy taught to her students and got back into circulation. Tracy shared an important experience she had with her husband. He was asking her why she was always choosing M&M’s for movie night. When she stopped and asked, she went to the back of the book that has a list of common foods and what it represents. M&M’s were about a hunger and anger for romantic love over her other love of her work. Tracy was frustrated that she wasn’t spending quality romance with her husband due to her responsibilities with her work. Many foods represent areas we have fears around and our digestion is challenged.

We discussed how we need our Brain to be a receiver, not just judgment mode. Tracy shared how we need to balance our brains. The left brain is overly used compared to the right brain which is intuitive and creative. This book isn’t in e-book form but can be bought in paper back through Amazon. However, if you can get quiet and connect to your right brain, you may receive the answer about your choices. The key here is to NOT judge yourself, as that is indicative of emotional eating.

This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

For more about Tracy – Go Here

As 2023 winds down the energies of 2024 BEcome revealed. This is a Year of Peace and Revelations. We will learn a great deal this coming year: we will learn of the secrets that have been hidden behind Greed and Power. For many it may be quite a shock. However, the Year will be harmonious and Peaceful. What we learn will help many people – and the Peace that will permeate this year will guide our deeper emotions.

What does this have to do with Powerful Intentions? We all have a need for Intention. We have all gone through challenging times over the past 4 years. Some ups and a lot of downs. And we are ready for some Peace! Having said that, there are challenges and areas in our lives where we need some Powerful Intentions. Tom Campbell and I did a show on Intentions that inspired this post.

So, regardless that this Year will reign in a new era of Peace, we also need to shift some areas in our personal lives to achieve some personal Peace.

2024 in numerology is an 8 year. This means prosperity and abundance, a more limitless mentality. Unfortunately, the greed of corporations has rapidly taken over even our basic needs. Groceries that food corporations claim have only gone up 5 to 7%, have in reality typically gone up 30-40%. And sometimes more! Yet some corporations have already declared their earnings for the year to be millions above past years.

Maybe Loblaw Co, Canada’s largest food distributor and food retailer is the exception? Their 3rd quarter earnings in 2023 were $18.265 billion, up $877 million from the year before. How is this ok? How is this ok when record numbers of Canadians are relying on Food Banks? And the number has increased by 38% since 2022 – and increased by almost 82% since 2016-17. Food corporations have prospered at the expense of the citizens.

The Abundance isn’t towards huge corporations like Loblaws but rather for us individuals who will balance out the ridiculous greed that has apparently justified these corporations from hurting who they are supposed to be serving.

Situations like this only bring to the surface just how unbalanced our Service Industry has become. They, the corporations, have unnaturally taken advantage of a world health crisis and decided that they are more important than the people they serve. These are the truths that will come out in 2024.


We all need to take a moment and Connect with our Inner Self. Conscious Breathing is one of the quickest ways to take a pause. Our Powerful Intentions will BEcome Empowered through BEing in the Now moment as we connect with a Power Greater than ourselves. Being in the Now,  Empowered through Conscious Breathing, reveals that Spark of Light that exists within all our Hearts.

Taking Moments for ourselves and Connecting to that Infinite Spark Within will allow us to BEcome clear about what we want and need in our lives. And we all need a little Abundance to combat the ridiculous price gouges that we are dealing with. But do we need to live with just a little abundance? Will that allow us to live in Peace? If 2024 is a year of Peace, then a little more isn’t what we are suggesting. Peace means we are at Peace. And to BE at Peace, we will BE living with ease. And living with ease means that we will have an abundance that will allow for our living to be easy for us.

A Powerful Intention for Ease or Peace would have JOY, Gratitude and Caring involved. I think part of the question is: what does Peace mean to You? What would the Year of Peace look like for you?

BEcome Connected and sit in the JOY of Peace. What would that look like, sound like, feel like or taste and smell like? If you don’t know then Creating it will become more challenging – but it is our responsibility to create our Joy.

Gratitude is when our Hearts are full of LOVE. We can Appreciate some areas in our lives, even when other areas of our lives feel bleak. So? What to do? We just have to shift our thoughts from the areas that we are having challenges in to the areas that we are Thankful for. Building Gratitude is the one area that can assist us to Shift our Perspective to one of Love and Magical Intentions.

The Caring portion is about caring for your family and friends; and caring beyond what we may think is our responsibility: caring for some part of the world around us. We should set our intentions to care for what – and who – we see around us that could use help that we can provide. Powerful Intentions require a deep connection to our Self and those around us: a connection that is deeper than just us or our Ego. It is for the Betterment of our Community, Country, and/or a broader World. Feeling is important to deepen our Love and Compassion in this World. Caring is Sharing and is crucial to Creating – and guiding – our Intentions.

The scope of our caring will tend to require a Shift of Perspective – even if we are already caring. What more can we do? This Shift in Perspective Helps us to recognize the areas that cause discomfort in us and such a Shift in Perspective can relieve us of things that are troubling to us. And relief can come just by knowing that sometimes we just need to shift our Perspectives and relief is a by-product. We often don’t even realize just how a small shift in Perspective can completely shift our fears and discomfort.

An example would be: we dread doing housework (or is that just me?).

If we can find our motivation then we can easily shift this from being an obligation to something meditative or JOYful. Doing dishes is a constant duty and responsibility. If we don’t do them, we either have to buy more dishes or eat out more or hire a pest control technician. Instead, we can Shift our Perspective and see that doing dishes becomes a meditative exercise.

Also, I received some guidance about time: if you can do something in under 60 seconds – just do it. How many times have you waited until you have no more plates left, or cutlery? (Again, is that just me?). If you can take 60 seconds after you finished your snack or meal and Breathe, while you rhythmically wash your dishes, you will feel better. And you will feel like you have accomplished something. That feels good. And such a feeling builds Confidence and inspires Motivation to do more.

Fears: One of the things to BE aware of is that, if there is something you need, like better Health, Abundance, more Loving Relationships, weight loss, to stop smoking, to stop judging others, or to limit one’s time scrolling through Social Media – as examples of things one might need. If you aren’t able to do any of these then it is your Fears that are blocking you. The Universe cannot assist you if you have conflicting thoughts. Willpower alone is NOT enough.

For every Intention that you want – or that you set – there is a Fear that is blocking you from receiving it or perhaps a fear that creates the challenge in the first place.

One way to overcome any fear is to Shift your Perspective or your wording around whatever it is that challenges you. If you have a weight issue or want to focus on weight loss, shift your focus to your Passions. Find something you are passionate about – not what you look like – and focus on what you are passionate about. Or Work Out to Feel Good instead of for the purpose of being thinner. Stop Judging and Spread Positivity. Wording matters because some wording is negative and other wording, more positive, opens up possibilities.

However, examining and overcoming your fears goes a LONGER way towards your Magical Intentions. There are reasons we experience challenges. Like relationships: our challenges are to assist us to Grow Up. Contemplate why certain areas in your life are the way they are. It is extremely likely that a fear, manifested prior to the age of 7, is involved. If you can, be Playful and Excited about the Possibilities that these fears may indicate and then the Letting Go – through your Shift in Perspective – will be almost Magical in Creating the Intentions you are Dreaming about. Just Breathe, connect with your Inner Self, and ask your Inner Self to Uncomplicate your life. The Inner Self – and The Universe – is Listening.

2024 will be an Important Year for us all. It will herald a time of Peace. Revelations will allow us to finally see the truth. Abundance will reBalance the World.

Take this time to BEcome clear what is most important to you. I recommend beginning with one to three important Intentions. Take a moment and BREATHE. Connect to your Inner Self. Listen to what the Universe is expressing to you. If you don’t have it, a fear is involved. ReWord or shift your Perspective to your Motivation and the deeper message within your Heart. Dance, Play, EnJOY and LOVE who you are and the World you have created. BE Grateful. Share YOU. BE.

I am so incredibly Grateful for BEing allowed to share my experience and (sometimes) wisdom with You. We are all Growing and Evolving into Powerful, Magical Beings. I may have more time to connect due to the fact that my work is as a self-employed Intuitive. As such, an Intuitive, I am able to spend more time creating a Safe and Empowering Space to Evolve my Spirit.

I welcome you to do what you can to Evolve your Spirit in these challenging times. Peace will come. Revelations will be seen. And your Intentions will change your experience of your Life. I welcome your thoughts on this. And I look forward to a New Year, a JOY full and Abundant New Year of Peace – for ALL of us!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2024

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Creating New Years Intentions. We like to discuss Intentions over Resolutions.

This Year Tom added some great insight into what Intentions are. One of the biggest things is that You Care. If you don’t care about the people of your Intentions or What you want to change about Yourself, it becomes much more difficult.

Thinking about your Intentions once won’t manifest what you want. You need to play with your Intentions several times a day. BE the Intention rather than doing behavior modification.

Willpower alone isn’t enough. If you haven’t discovered the fears that are prohibiting what your Intentions are, then you are working against your Ego. And it isn’t helping you Grow Up.

Sometimes it also is about shifting your Perspective. Often we see things as an obligation, and miss the Opportunity to experience the Meditative qualities or the Love that is the reason you want to change. Instead of manipulating others and even ourselves.

Let your New Year’s Intentions come from your Heart. Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More on Tom…

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney about Beliefs vs Facts and ending with JOY. This was a wonderful show to end the Year with. Tracy shared a recent vlogcast she listened to about COVID that brought us to one of the first statements about how a Fact can’t overwhelm a Belief.

Our Beliefs are so powerful that they can’t change when you hear facts that disagree with them. Our Intention is the most important when wanting to shift our Beliefs. We need to BE Open and Willing to Let GO of our outdated Beliefs. For some people we don’t realize that our Beliefs are so outdated, typically from our seven year old self.

For others our Beliefs didn’t even come from us, but from past lives or other loved ones in our life. Some of us don’t even have the Download for JOY. The GREAT thing is that we can BE open and make a choice to Change our Beliefs. We went on a bit of a tangent and then resumed our discussion that our Beliefs and we ended with JOY.

Our Wish for you is to have a Wonderful Holiday Season this year and EnJOY some JOY and this New Year. This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

For more about Tracy – Go Here

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Christmas Spirit. Tom and I have done a show on Christmas Spirit or Magic almost every December.

This year, I guess how I shared my experience prior to the show, Tom really felt the energy I have always EnJOYed every year and often every day. We are able to connect with this Beautiful Energy whenever we want. Just Close your Eyes, Take a Breathe and Connect in with the Christmas Spirit or Magic. It always brings me such JOY and Warmth within.

I even have a tea that is called Santa’s Secret that to me is like a cup of Magic. It reminds me to slow down and connect to all that is Love in this world. Tom told us about some Magic he had, being invited to Costa Rica for an all weeks paid trip for an hour a day to teach on Consciousness. However, while away his house almost burnt down, and that is the reason his voice is a little rough this month. He came back to a lot of dust.

Connect with the Spirit of Christmas, the positivity of the JOY of Giving. Connect to the Feeling of a Warm Blanket of LOVE. EnJOY your Holiday Season! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More on Tom…

Every year I discuss Christmas Magic. Magic is the energy that I remember as a child. It has continued to grow within me. In fact, I make an effort to Embrace and Enhance this energy not only during the Holiday Season, but also throughout the year.

In my latest discussion and show with Tracy McBurney this month I shared my obsession with David’s Tea, specifically Santa’s Secret Tea. As shared in our talk, to me, Santa’s Secret Tea is like a cup of Magic. It is a morning ritual in which I can relax in the soothing embrace and warmth of this compelling black tea with vanilla and mint as well as tiny candy canes! I take my time to EnJOY the fragrance of this magical concoction. And what a pleasure it is to sip the Magic.

What is Magic? To me, Magic is a feeling. It is to Embody the Wonderful, the Enhancing Beauty that exists all around us. It isn’t paranormal per se. We don’t have to be a witch or a wizard or a conjurer or an illusionist. No. We just can be ourselves and soak in that expansive feeling of knowing that all is working out: THAT is the expansive and fullness of JOY that Magic is to me.

Do you remember that feeling when you wake up Christmas morning, (if Christmas is your cultural practice) or your birthday… or any day with a highly anticipated event? When you awaken in that day you feel the anticipation and that the day is filled with more possibilities? It is the Hope or JOY that accompanies our anticipation for what may come. Do you remember that?

Sure, our Dreams may not have been fully met. And yes, we have all experienced the disappointment of not receiving what we had hoped for in such anticipated events. That sense of disappointment often contributes to our loss of innocence … but that is a discussion for another day.

What I am referring to is that Excitement of Possibilities. That is the Potential. And Potential that exists is more powerful than the actuality of what is. It is within the Potential that Magic can occur. The moment before we open our gifts or stocking – they are full of Imagination and Possibility. Yes. Full of Potential!

What I want to offer in my article today is that Magic is all around us and we have the opportunity to develop that sense of Pure JOY, soaking in the Potential. For me it is the similar to that feeling when I connect with the Spark of Source that exists within all of us. Full of Potential. Full of Magic!

This Holiday Season I suggest exploring your Dreams. What is most important to you?

This year has been a challenging year for many. Some have never fully recovered from the COVID experience. So this year my focus has wavered about what I want to do with my career. The Magic hasn’t always been apparent as it usually was prior to when the World stopped for COVID. And as someone who Believes in BEing more than Doing, I waited to see what was going to happen. This week, while business has been picking up, I also received another gift. There is the Possibility of a group of five MBA students who will be working on marketing my business for the New Year. Imagine the Magic that could occur! Imagine the Potential!

That is the MAGIC. I would have never imagined a group of post graduates working with me to create something bigger than I have. (Even better than I was originally told or imagined, I have 7 MBA graduate students who will be working with me come January 2024.) Especially for Free! However, I did ask the Universe to Show Me the Way. I asked to BE Guided towards my Full Potential. Then I Let GO of expectation and control.

We are immensely Powerful Beings who have Opportunities and Possibilities that exist all around us. The only thing that blocks us are ourselves. Our Fears prohibit us from moving forward in the way we would like. Our Beliefs, our Stories, our patterns and our behaviors – all are already anchored by the age of 7.

We are NOT physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually mature by the age of 7 yet our brain has established these patterns to save time as we experience this world – and hopefully learn from our experiences. Our brain is like a powerful computer and we often are stuck with these “computer-generated Stories from a seven year old perspective on the patterns we see until we BEcome more Conscious.

Our Greatest Gift is the Power of Imagination. “If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it” Quote by what William Arthur Ward. Can you Open yourself to Imagine something Beautiful? Are you able to Imagine something with your Heart? Can you Build Excitement and Fervor? And then … just Let it GO?

Many of us are stuck because we can’t imagine or dream – or, for that matter, we have forgotten what Magic feels like. Some of us are very mentally or physically motivated – and not feeling motivated. The Power to Feel is quite often beaten out of us. We have been made to believe that how we feel isn’t important. Yet, to Remember Magic, we must remember the Feeling of Magic: how we felt when our World was filled with endless possibilities, endless Potential.

Our Hearts are motivated by LOVE. It is through our Heart we want to Feel into the World. Our Heart is our Connection with Source. Within our Heart is the Power of Universes. To BEcome Heart Centered and to Lead with our Hearts has BEcome my mantra. Letting Go of the necessity of ruminating through every experience we have is overwhelming and exhausting. While also being extremely limiting.

So let’s Take a Moment, close our eyes and Breathe! That is the guidance I use for myself and for anyone who is able. Focus your attention on your Heart. Become Mindful. Use all your senses. And try to FEEL what is happening within your Heart. Feel what is happening within your Connection to Source. Is it Expansive? Can you see, hear, taste, smell and FEEL it? Or is it the Quiet Comfort of Home? Find your connection. Bring more Light into your Heart. And just BE.

As you expand your Connection and your energy within your Heart, ask to Remember the Magic. Imagine what that would look like and, especially, Feel like. Ask for the feeling memories that you had that held the Gift of Christmas Magic – or Birthday Magic – or Relationship Magic. Engage in the Feelings that you are remembering. Embrace the Magic and allow it to Inspire you NOW.

Play with the Feeling of Magic. Encourage it to Inspire and Uplift you and your Imagination. Find the Infinite Possibilities that exist through the Power of your Imagination and Heart. And then Feel … the Magic is just waiting to BE involved in your life – waiting to Play and have FUN … to Encourage and Support your Dreams.

This Holiday Season – remember the Gift of Christmas Magic. My Gift to you is to Encourage you through my words and the Energy I exude through the Power of Words. So … find your Inspiration – the Inspiration that Motivates you to Remember the Expression of Magic. Capture the Magic of the Season, it is here year round – but it is more Powerful during this time. The Children Remember the Magic. Find your Inner Child and Experience the Gift of Christmas Magic to Inspire you for the next year. Empower your Dreams and then … Let GO.

Happy Holidays ❤️

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney about Changing the Coding of LOVE. Tracy and I began this show discussing the 11/11 Portal that she became aware of through a post on Facebook by Dale Osadchuk (an Astrologer). The Portal was discussing what we are Choosing to Let Go of.

This then morphed into what Coding or Programming that we are holding onto. The Coding that we are unaware we are holding onto. The Coding or Programming that keeps us going back into our Story that we tell ourselves that is based from prior life times.

The energy that existed with this Coding was the Best it could be at the time, but NOW we are more Evolved and Our Best can BEcome Better.

We can Elevate our thoughts our Coding to Divine ReCoding. Through Intention and Awareness. We shared some examples, for me it is my favorite Tea. It is Magic in the Box. It reminds me of Christmas Magic.

And the Question becomes What else does the Soul want? Where else can I create that Magic in my life. Let’s Change the Coding of LOVE. Instead of protecting it and controlling it, by hording or hiding and not enjoying it, we can Choose to Change the Coding.

This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

For more about Tracy – Go Here

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Making Powerful Choices. This is Choices month for News for the Soul and IntuitiveSoul.

We had our show on Halloween and everything is about Choices. During every moment we make choices. Even the ones we don’t always feel like Choices.

We discussed that our Choices are important in our Growing Up. The Choices we make that are made from Love instead of fear is the work we are here to do. What we need to do is Change our Story, and our Choices will change.

Being Authentic is a Choice and sometimes it shows us where we are in our journey. Those who are empty often choose drugs or alcohol to fill in the emptiness within their heart. We discussed how often we are teaching that appearance is more important than truth. That it is okay to lie, cheat or steal as long as you don’t get caught. This shows whether you are Growing Up or De-evolving.

However, when we find significance in the little things and are helping others and caring for others, then we can be truly Authentic and have a Positive Attitude towards all the little things that can make a difference. Change the way you look at things, Change your Perspective. Then they become opportunities to BE Helpful.

Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More about Tom Campbell

When we think about it, we make choices every moment of the day. We don’t always feel they are choices. None the less, we make them. Do they make our moments loving – or fearful? Do they make our moments positive or negative? Are they Powerful choices or are they poor, ineffective choices? Are we conscious of our choices? Or do they come from an unconscious place?

These are questions that we should all ponder and reflect upon daily. When our goal is to Grow Up and Evolve our Consciousness, we need to BE aware of our thoughts and our choices. Let’s break this down and take some Soul Moments together.

When our Choices don’t feel like Choices:

We don’t always feel like we are Empowered and in charge of our Choices. Often we let life happen. We don’t consciously feel through what is happening or maybe we only feel what is happening without considering that we may have a choice on what to feel. For example, a friend is upset – let’s say she got fired from her work – we sympathize with her and also get upset with and for her. Or our partner got mad because they felt we did or didn’t do something they wanted.

Often when we encounter people who are upset, and especially people who are upset with us, we react. Our reaction is because of how they interpreted the situation. We may mirror their reaction or also get upset because it triggers our fears.

Or let’s look at this world, a world that is in reaction mode. It is easy for us to get caught up in the world around us and feel we have no choice but to react to what the media has interpreted as the problem. However, is that the truth? Are we stuck to how we react by media, friends and family? Or can we Choose how to respond?

This is part of Growing up. We get to choose! We can decide how we want to FEEL at any given moment. We can empathize with others without it impacting how we actually feel or without it impacting how we choose to feel. The Bigger Point here is: we can Choose how we respond/feel at any given moment. Obviously we wouldn’t choose to feel JOY at a funeral, as it may be inappropriate but perhaps we can choose to feel JOY for the person who is finally at Peace instead of in pain.

We can choose to accept something when others are angry at what they interpret is our fault because we realize that their anger is based on their fear and not ours. Ultimately, it is our Choice how we respond!

What is a Loving Choice vs a Fearful Choice:

This a conscious choice on how we respond. Because we can now step outside our victim mentality of reacting as others expect us to act or how the world around us tends to respond – or seems to respond. We can make choices from either a loving place or a fearful place. If we continue to be unconscious and allow the world, friends and family to dictate how we should react to our -or their – situations; we will most likely come from a fearful place.

However, even if we unconsciously react to what is happening around us, we can choose again. We can decide that no matter what is happening we want to show compassion, love and Heart to all given situations. No matter what is happening around us all responses can come from a Loving Place. It doesn’t mean that we should be inauthentic.

If we are grieving, that is authentic. If we hold onto the grief and we become depressed, anxious, angry or frustrated with ourselves or others, then we are holding onto fear. It is the fear that is dictating our choices. This is a spiral that will keep our energy – and how we respond to life – in a dark place. We can’t move forward and we stay in fear.

Once we allow fear to take hold of us we are no longer making choices from a Loving Place. This is also a choice!

It is also a choice to recognize and be conscious of the situation we have created or has been created around us. Choosing to FEEL Compassion, Acceptance and Love for ourselves, others, and the situations occurring around us is Empowering ourselves to BE Love instead of allowing our fears to dictate how we feel.

I choose to BE LOVE. I accept when I have allowed my fears to take over, and then I can make another choice, an empowering choice. We can do this, consciously, every moment. We can be aware of how we are feeling and choose LOVE.

Positive or Negative:

For some people, we need to find ways to BE Positive. Our World is a crazy place with the Media interpreting events and telling us how to react. In Canada, our very Media is restricted now because our Government has chosen to restrict what we can see on the Internet and Television. Personally, I never choose to watch the news. To me the news is biased. However, now it is very biased due to the new Canadian restrictions. Even our Social Media has been restricted.

Again, it doesn’t really impact me, as I don’t watch the news. I haven’t had a TV for 2 decades. I can stream from my internet provider, but I would prefer entertainment without commercials. I find the news presented, and even the commercials, stressful. I am aware that the news and commercials are aimed at inducing fear: both want me to think and act a certain way – to their advantage – because if I don’t act the way they want there will be, according to them, life-impacting consequences. Think about it. Yes, we are all free to think about such things – the biases in how the world presents itself. How does it affect us? How do we respond?

I choose to BE as Positive as I can be. However, it is easy to BEcome Negative in this world. It is a Choice to BE Positive. BEing Positive is not always easy, it takes effort and constant awareness. The benefit of BEing Positive is a life lived with less stress. I can’t say I am always happy. However, I can say that if I find myself angry or frustrated, I can easily recognize this discomfort. When this occurs I Consciously Choose to shift my perspective. This is a Choice!

Powerful or Ineffective:

It is Powerful to make Positive, Loving Choices. Allowing the World, friends, family and situations to dictate to us how to respond, to react or to BE fearful is ineffective. We all want LOVE. We all want Positive and Powerful life situations. How we react is a choice.

If we are always allowing the Media, friends, family and situations to determine how we feel, then we will not ever BE in charge of how we feel and we BEcome victims to the World around us. It is far more Empowering to Choose how to respond. Sometimes the only thing that helps is to laugh at the absurdity of what is happening in the world around us. Or laugh at our reaction. And laughter is a choice!

Sometimes we have an unconscious, immediate reaction of pain or fear. This is due to our behaviors, patterns and stories that are set up by the age of seven. We are not only not physically mature, but neither are we emotionally, mentally or spiritually mature by the age of seven! So how could we possibly make automatic choices when we are running old programs that were implanted in us by family and friends at that tender age of seven? As adults, however, once we are aware of our initial reaction, then we can choose again. We can choose a more powerful and positive choice of LOVE.

Conscious or Unconscious:

Our understanding to this point is that our seven year old self was definitely Unconscious. It is a choice to continue from the automatic reactions of a seven year old or a choice to re-choose how to respond Consciously.

We have so much that is always happening around us. We don’t live in a bubble. We live in an ever-changing world, full of ups and downs. Change is constant. Therefore, we have to change with our world. We don’t have to change unconsciously. We can choose to change Consciously: BEing aware of how we respond every moment.

We can’t meditate 24/7. We have obligations and responsibilities. And life happens. However, we can always choose how we feel while we tend to our obligations and responsibilities. Of course there will be times when these obligations and responsibilities aren’t positive. Allowing ourselves to remain unconscious during or after these obligations and responsibilities are a choice. It is important to remember that!

However, we still must be authentic! We aren’t going to BE happy all the time. We just have to BE aware when we are reacting. Reaction is automatic. It is how we choose to respond after the automatic reaction that determines if we are Conscious or Unconscious. In a World that is ever-changing (and often in negative ways; or is that just the interpretation of our biased media?) we can either Choose to be Positive, Conscious, Powerful and Loving or negative, unconscious, ineffective or fearful.

I want to live in a World that encourages us to make our own Choices. To make Loving, Conscious, Positive and Powerful Choices that Empower us all. Why Not? We are Building Dreams. We are in Charge of how to respond after we react from a seven year old self. We can choose, and I choose to BE all I can BE. I want to move beyond the Fear and into Conscious Love. Join me and let’s Play! ❤️

Check out some shows on Choices, Jean Adrienne and Tom Campbell

More on Jean Adrienne and Tom Campbell

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Jean Adrienne on The Powerful Choices we Make.

We began this show discussing the incredible journey that Jean has been on the for past year and a half. From the uncovering of cancer to Thriving through her Journey. Jean discusses the Choices she has made.

Did she really choose this? Yes, and although it brought her to her knees, what she has gained is so much more! We all make choices every moment of our lives. Can we be Conscious enough to make a positive choice? Or do we continue on the path of BEing unconscious. We Choose to BE Conscious. Jean shared a Powerful Journey to Paris. How her hair defined her until she didn’t have it. And Much More.

We ended with 2 Beautiful Healings. The first with her DNA cards and the last with her Inner Speak cards. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More about Jean…

Jean’s YouTube Station…